Motherhood, It’s a Wrap

Justin, my youngest child, turned 18 this week. So, I’m happy to report that my time as a mother is complete! Phew… it was hard there for a while.
Intercourse, sickness, weight gain, decorating, showers, birth, sleepless nights, breast-feeding, endless worry, child-proofing, sicknesses, teaching, feeding, playing, repeating, daycare, nursery school, baby sitters, play dates, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, homework, middle school, back to school nights, band concerts, art projects, talent shows, sleep overs, family vacations, birthday parties, sports, sports and more sports, braces, friend troubles, emotions, high school, acne, AP classes, stress, driving, drinking, college visits, tutoring, boyfriends & girlfriends, bad influences, good influences, working, selecting a college, 18th birthday. Kid #2, repeat all.
I’m allowing him to live here until he leaves for college. I figure it’s the least I can do. Oh, and I’ll be excited about graduation but then that’s it. It’s all over!
Thank God. Now I can focus on my dog. I just bought him a Christmas sweater.

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  • Jessica Dry December 13, 2018, 3:01 pm

    OMG this is the best EVER!

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