Saturday Morning Rant: UNPLUG!

O.K., I know the world is addicted to their hand-held devices and I am just as guilty as the next person when it comes to checking my phone too often but what I witnessed this morning is over the top, not to mention annoying as shit.

I’m in spin class getting into my groove and notice the woman next to me checking her phone. Mildly irritating since the class is supposed to be dark. Then again. More annoying. I finally look over and notice she’s playing a GAME on her phone. WHILE SPINNING. Candy Bejeweled or whatever. What the actual fuck??

Can you not put your phone down for 45 minutes to get some exercise? Not to mention how rude with a lit up phone while the rest of us are trying to break away from the virtual pack of riders in our head. Give it a rest!

Diane, my trusty Saturday morning spin partner, equated it to being addicted to drugs and I think she’s right.

Steps off her soap box and drops the mic…

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  • Kirsten July 18, 2015, 7:12 pm

    Spinning makes me claustrophobic and breathing in all the used air skeeves me out, but you are correct. There is a whole contingent of folks there who simply CANNOT be alone with themselves. The only thing worse is the person who does that WHILE you are talking to them. You should call her on it next time. I’m sure you aren’t alone!

  • Nancy July 19, 2015, 12:55 pm

    I think it would have been totally acceptable to knock the phone out of her hand and give her a “clout upside the head”!!!!!!

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