
Beat The Clock

I was a half hour early to my gym class Wednesday night. Nothing pisses me off more than being early. What a colossal waste of valuable time. AND, I left my wallet at home so I couldn’t even leave and run an errand. 

See, I play a game every day called “Beat the Clock”. I try to leverage every-last-quarter-of-a-second doing something else before I need to move on to the next thing. My motto is “If you’re early, you’ve wasted time. If you’re on time, good for you. If you’re five minutes late, that’s fine.”  I’m busy dammit!

Here’s how it works:

You’ve 8 minutes to get the kids at the bus? You can DEFINITELY swing into Harris Teeter to get some butter for your dinner recipe on the way.

Expecting a delivery, something in the oven and need to take a shower? You’ve got this! 

Need to be somewhere in 20 minutes and there’s 22 minutes on the clock? Throw in a load of laundry and fill the outside fridge with some bottled water. You can make up a good minute or two if the lights go your way.

Sure, there have been times I needed to abort a task in mid stream but there’s nothing like the success of screeching up to your destination on two wheels knowing you squeezed in an extra task.  Its invigorating!

This is all I can write about this topic because now I might be late to Body Pump.. 



1 comment… add one

  • Betty November 20, 2015, 8:59 am

    Kristen, I find myself doing the same thing!
    Do we need to apologize to someone??


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