
I completed UK30f30P!!

After a long winter of hibernating, I needed a kick in the pants so I just finished the “Ultimate Kristen 30 for 30 Workout Program” or UK30f30P (trademark pending).

I worked out at least 30 minutes for 30 days in a row. I was inspired to do so by my friend Mary Beth who recently did 60 for 60. (I’m about half as creative and half as motivated as her)

I usually work out about four times a week so I didn’t think it would be that hard to simply add another three days per week for four weeks. Ummm, it was.

Here are a few things I learned during my 30 days:

  • Getting up early every morning to workout sucks.
  • Getting up early every morning to workout is awesome.
  • My treadmill still works.
  • Mentally I feel really good, however, I can barely walk.
  • Spinning with a hangover is kind of the worst thing ever.
  • I believe I need foot surgery.
  • I didn’t know I had muscles there.
  • I’m tired.
  • If I post my daily accomplishments on the fridge, I will be mocked by my children.
  • If I workout more AND eat more, I don’t lose weight. (toughest lesson…)
  • If I set a goal, I can accomplish it.

Tomorrow, no workout!!   But, I will do UK30f30P again before summer. Who’s with me??



30 for 30

1 comment… add one

  • Mary Beth March 26, 2015, 8:31 am

    Awesome! Congratulations. I am re-inspired. My next 60 for 60 starts April 1st, cuz I am a fool…and it will (hopefully) be over 45 degrees in the morning when I head outside!


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