1500 mile road trip


My entire family just traveled from Maryland to Atlanta, Georgia and back for a family wedding. In the 5 days of “vacation” we were in the car for 4 of those days. We visited friends in Charlotte NC and Blacksburg Virginia, visited 2 colleges, spent $400 on gasoline, $900 on hotel rooms and too much on food.   However, the best part was we laughed with our amazing cousins, witnessed a beautiful outdoor wedding and had some real family bonding.


Things I learned:

1. We should have flown.

2. The Hampton Inn in Peachtree City Georgia makes horrendous powered eggs.

3. Don’t try to talk to teenagers with ear buds in. It’s NOT pretty.

4. Never pass up an opportunity to pee. If one of you is going – EVERYONE GOES!

5. Out of generosity for others, always crack a window when you pass gas.

6. Your car quickly becomes a trashcan.

7. Showers are optional – teeth-brushing is NOT.

8.  For survival purposes- get two rooms when traveling with teenagers.

9. *Pack alcohol.  I didn’t.

10. Your car will start to smell after awhile. It’s vital to have routine trash purging. Especially UNDER the seats.

11. South Carolina has a giant peach statue..(not Georgia surprisingly)

12.  Maintain a sense of humor at ALL COSTS. Remember you are stuck in a very small space together…for awhile.

13. Take selfies

14. I have immense gratitude for my truck.  It ran like a champ for being almost 10 yrs old.  The DVD and wireless headphones still work!!

15.  Despite the fact that I pass this sign everyday on my commute home from work, I was never so happy to see this sign as I was at the end of our adventure.

md sign




*this should really be Rule #1.

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