
Scenes from Black Friday: A Rookies’ opinion.


Extra cash-ola is a little tight this year so, I decided to join the masses for the chaos of Black Friday.  This was the first (and possibly last) Black Friday extravaganza for me.  However, I have a few of my own tips to pass along to you all for next year or, for anyone braving the malls at all this weekend.


  • If you have no patience for THOUSANDS of people in one place.  Skip it altogether.  And, you can stop reading here.
  • Sleep in.   The INSANE, young people go in the middle of the night.  I’m too old for that and I figured…If I slept well,  I’d be more mentally prepared for the pandemonium.
  • Plan on it taking at least a ½ hour to park.  You can only get cranky, rude,  and panicky AFTER the first ½ hour-not before.  This could possibly ruin your entire shopping trip.  People are crazy in parking lots.  CRAY-CRAY CRAZY.
  • Pack a bottle of water.   Maybe two depending on your endurance.  I stayed for 5 hours and needed 1 big one.  You don’t want to spend your hard earned $ on a $3 water bottle in the food court.
  • Plan on at least one food/bathroom break.  And, if you were smart…you’d plan your trip so that your ½ point is near your car so you can drop your packages and start again.   I gave myself tennis elbow schlepping around those dang bags.
  • Look for the sale items.  I spent a good 20 minutes in 2 different stores (Under Armour & North Face) before realizing they had NO sales.  All those people paid full price?   Suckers.
  • Wear comfortable clothes, leave your coat in the car and wear flat shoes that you can walk 10-12 miles in.
  • While waiting in the 45 minute check out line at GAP, check your phone, make your grocery list,  check facebook, or call your mother.  It makes the wait a bit more productive. Even though it still feels like….45 minutes.
  • AVOID conversations and eye contact.  They slow you down and get you off track.  Stay focused.
  • Don’t use the same credit card more than 3 times.  Otherwise your bank will call you to report “unusual activity” on your credit card.  THAT is a huge time sucker.
  • *Bring someone with you who doesn’t drink.  This way, they can drive you home after you stop for a few refreshing and imperative, adult beverages.  (this rookie had to wait to get home before she could enjoy her beverage when,  she really needed it like an hour before hand.)
  • Happy shopping!



*critical to staying in a pleasant mood, not needing a nap and not yelling at your family when you get home.

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