Sticky Fingers

This happened…

I just got back from a beach vacation with my family. It was great. Good weather, bonding time, blah, blah, blah.. What’s noteworthy about this trip were my actions at Chick Fila on my trip down.

I took a handful of pre-packaged condiments. I can’t fucking believe it.


I was innocently stirring creamer into my coffee and I noticed some Texas Pete’s Hot Sauce and thought, “Hey, Hannah likes that stuff. Why don’t I just take a couple.” One thing led to another and I’m elbow deep in the mayo and mustard packets as well.

I guess I’m officially my grandmother. She used to eat at Burger King for weeks prior to my annual visit to her row house in Philly so she could “stock up” on creamer for my coffee. Meanwhile, if she ate at home, she could have purchased 15 gallons of creamer. I guess that’s the game.

I should let you know that I’m not a cheapskate. Not at all. I just thought it was industrious of me. The scary thing is that I’d do it again. I think I’m onto something here!

What’s next? Tissues in my sleeves?


sauce in action

See how convenient? Can you even blame me?



1 comment… add one

  • Meg July 18, 2016, 6:59 am

    Those little solo brand plastic containers with the snap on lids… Are great for so many things. Watch out when I go to Five Guys or Baja Fresh.

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