Letting You Go

Dear Daughter,

I’m letting you go. I don’t want to, but its time. This is the summer before you go off to college.

This situation reminds me of teaching you how to ride a bike. At first, you got your tricycle and learned how to tool around in front of the house. Soon you were onto a two wheeler with training wheels. Much harder but still safe. Then, one after another we took off your trainers, gave you a big push, closed our eyes and held our breath to see if you could ride on your own. And you did. We taught you what you needed to learn.

Once again it’s our time to give you a push, close our eyes and see if you fly. I think you will.

And just like riding a bike, sometimes life will be exhilarating and take your breath away. Other times, you’ll have to push really hard and feel like you’re going nowhere. You’ll fall and get back up many times, but it will be a great ride. Enjoy the scenery, take it all in.

My hope is that we gave you the skills you need to navigate.

I love you.


 hannah bike 2


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