Prince, Sigh…

I’m so sad that Prince has died. Like, a tears in my eye sad. Like can’t talk about it to my husband or I’ll cry and he’ll make fun of me sad.

He (Prince, not my husband) came around during a time in my life when the whole world was ahead of me. I was in high school and who knew what the future had in store for me.  I loved that period of life.

You know how you’re one person to all in the world but you’re someone else sometimes when you’re alone? Good mom, hard worker, nice neighbor. Sure. But sometimes when you’re alone, you’re gangsta bitch, night clubber, scream at the top of your lungs singer, Apollonia – whatever. That’s how Prince always made me feel.

I was a “normal” suburban kid. But I could listen to Prince and feel TOTALLY different. I don’t mean songs like 1999. I mean International Lover, Controversy, Scarlet Pussy, If I Was Your Girlfriend, Do Me Baby. I can remember my friend Nancy and I  singing these songs at the top of our lungs. I never wanted those car rides to end.

Prince, nothing compares to you.. Thanks for the memories…



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