Back To The Big League

Over 11 years ago, I quit my full-time gig to go part-time. I was fortunate enough to work for two companies that allowed me to continue my career but still have a flexible, part-time schedule while I raised my kids.

Baseball carpool at 3:30? No problem. Volunteer in the classroom? I’ve got it! Soccer team manager? Bring it on! I’ve been able to participate in my kid’s lives and still have some time to myself. I know not many get that chance so I cherished it.

Well, today I’m putting on my big girl panties and taking the plunge back into a full-time job with a commute. My kids are older, one senior and one freshman. (Hannah will be gone next year and she takes up 80% of my time anyway.)

I won’t be as accessible to drop off flour babies and if there’s an emergency at school, Steve will have to step in. Let’s not even discuss my blessed Friday routine of Body Pump, grocery, lunch with friends, time alone in my house.

I’m a bit sad about it but I’m also excited for my new adventure.

For so long, my life has revolved around my kids. But, as the years have gone on, I’m not needed as much anymore. In fact, when I get home from work these days, I usually have to search the house for someone grateful to see me. Thank God for my dog Louie!

So, wish me luck and if you’re free in the morning or afternoon and want to talk, give me a call! I’ll be on the beltway…


1 comment… add one

  • Betty Shuster September 28, 2015, 10:24 am

    Good luck, Kristen! Your life will now go into
    High speed. Maybe it is time for a daily journal for memory checking as you “grow older “. Wish that I had!


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