A guest blog from our friend Katie!


Recently I logged onto my computer to pay bills and other boring stuff when I saw a headline on my MSN homepage, “Eight New Denim Trends Worth Trading Your Skinny Jeans For”.   That looked like a great way to put off the depressing task of paying bills plus I might learn some fashion tips ahead of my 16 year old daughter. Double bonus!  MSN was referring to an article from a popular magazine that I used to subscribe to and from which I learned what’s the it nail polish color, where to shop; basically a shopping magazine that I respect. Plus the term “NEW” trends had me hooked to click!

Here comes the Public Service Announcement. Mom jeans are not NEW and mom jeans should never ever be worn again.  It doesn’t matter if you’re 16 years old and have the figure of an adorable dancer. It doesn’t matter if you’re a 6 foot tall beautiful super star like Taylor Swift. MOM JEANS SHOULD NEVER EVER, EVER BE WORN BY ANYONE! Please take a look in your closet and throw your mom jeans away. I kid you not that this magazine article seriously had “Mom Jeans” listed as an acceptable fashion alternative to skinny jeans. (I’m not going to address that they had overalls as one of their 8 alternatives)  I have lost all respect!  Did they not see the SNL spoof on mom jeans? In case you missed it: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/mom-jeans/n11727

And in case you missed me in 1995 in my Mom jeans:

Don’t let this embarrassment happen to you no matter what the fashion magazines say!


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