Before you judge, let me explain..

This is what I yelled to my daughter from the top of the steps recently while we were having our usual teenager vs. mother bickering session about how I’m SOO ANNOYING with all of my questions (that were aimed that trying to help her) and how I’m INVADING HER PRIVACY (because I asked her a question.)

Being a mother of a teenage daughter is SO exhausting. I can go from Disney Mom to Psycho mom within 30 seconds. No one in this world can make me angrier than she can. I’ve said things to her that I’ve never said to another human being. I don’t even fight with my husband like I fight with her.

And the kicker is that I adore her and I think we have a great relationship.

My intentions are always great. “Hey sweetie, how was your day?” “Can I help you with something? “ Then, one or two curt responses by her will kick it off, one thing leads to another and I’m Psycho Mom.

I can’t actually be as annoying or invasive as my own mother was to me. Surely that can’t be the case? I’m cooler than her, aren’t I???

What comes in between Disney and Psycho?  I must figure this out…

Just so you don’t freak out, within five minutes, we were back on the floor hanging out and laughing like we usually do.

GOD I love her…

4 comments… add one

  • Mary September 9, 2013, 8:03 am

    I felt like I was reading something that I wrote myself. Disney mom to psycho mom? Perfect!

  • Lily September 9, 2013, 12:56 pm

    Hilarious! I love the Disney vs. Psycho mom comparison. You articulated the plight of the modern day mom with genius. It is a brutal developmental period…and you are AWESOME!

  • Tish September 9, 2013, 5:38 pm

    Are you sure you weren’t writing about the Halle’s? Love it!

  • Michele September 10, 2013, 1:08 am

    This is an exact description of my relationship with a child who is not a girl and not yet a teen. I’m scared! Disney to Psycho Mom happens daily! :)

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